

Chromacity Lasers is a spin-out company from the Ultrafast Optics Group in IPaQS. The company develops tunable femtosecond lasers from the ultraviolet (400 nm) to the mid-infrared (> 6 μm) for industrial and scientific applications in fluorescence microscopy, gas spectroscopy, laser material processing and semiconductor engineering. They can provide wide combinations of pulse repetition rate, energy and wavelength, unmatched by other manufacturers. Uniquely, wireless operation from a laptop, tablet or smartphone is provided via an embedded web server.

Chromacity is a laser manufacturing company specialising in tunable femtosecond lasers for life sciences, microscopy and spectroscopy. It originated in the Ultrafast Optics Group headed by Prof. Derryck Reid, after the group's development of new femtosecond laser technology in 2012.  The founders were one of the winning teams in the 2012 Converge business-plan competition, and the resulting award package with the help and support of Heriot-Watt's Research and Enterprise Services led to the incorporation of Chromacity Ltd. in early 2013.

The technology was then developed into a minimum viable product, and the first orders were received in late 2013. During 2015 the company moved out of university labs to its own premises on the Heriot-Watt Research Park.  In December 2015, the co-founders secured £500K investment that led to the company's  expansion and launching of its second product in the spectroscopy market.  Chromacity is currently at an exciting stage of its development, and further commercial impact is expected.