Voting for 2019 Election from Senate to Court

Voting will open on Tuesday 26 November 2019 to elect a colleague from the Senate to serve on the Court until 31 July 2021. Voting will remain open until Tuesday 10 December 2019 (4 pm UK time).

The recent call for nominations resulted in two colleagues coming forward for the vacant position.

Please click on the names of the candidates to see their supporting information:

Voting for 2019 Elections from Senate to Court
Dr Nasir Al Lagtah, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Dr Paul Hopkinson, School of Social Sciences

The ballot will be conducted by the Secretariat, on behalf of the Secretary of the University, and will employ the Single Transferrable Vote system of voting (as per Ordinance B3).

The Secretariat will email Senators with voting instructions and a ballot paper on Tuesday 26 November 2019.

All Senators are eligible to vote.

Please contact John McDermott if you are eligible to participate in the election, but have not received a direct email by close of Tuesday 26 November (please remember to check your ‘junk’ email folder).

N.B. Voting will close on Tuesday 10 December 2019 (4.00 pm UK time) so please vote before then.

Ordinance B3 governs these elections, which are run under the auspices of the Secretary of the University.

Please contact John McDermott (Clerk to the Senate) with any queries on the election.