Global Code of Practice for Taught Programmes

Heriot-Watt University’s Code of Practice for the Management, Assurance and Enhancement of Taught Programmes (known as “The Global Code”) is being developed to provide a framework for managing, assuring and enhancing the quality and academic standards of programmes and of the student learning experience across all forms of taught provision (campus-based; via partner organisations (academic and industrial); through independent distance learning/online).

The Global Code comprises four parts:

  • Part 1:   Assurance of Quality and Standards
  • Part 2:   Management of Programmes and Partnerships
  • Part 3:   Student Experience, Achievement and Engagement
  • Part 4:   Design, Development and Enhancement

In due course, the Global Code will replace the current Code of Practice for the Management of Multi-Location, Multi-Mode Programmes (known as “The Multi Code")

The Global Code is also designed to function as the University’s version of the new UK Quality Code for Higher Education, and to complement the University’s detailed UK Quality Code Mapping documents  (October 2019).  The University’s approaches to addressing the UK Quality Code with respect to research and to the postgraduate research student experience can be found in the Postgraduate Research Degree Candidate Code of Practice (updated August 2019).

The Expectations and Principles of the Global Code were approved by the University Committee for Quality and Standards on 25 September 2019.  The detailed guidance will be provided in due course, and a complete version of the Global Code is expected to be published in early 2020.

Key information

Maggie King