
What is Yammer?

Yammer is a social networking tool which can be used by HWU students and staff to create networks and communities.  It is available as part of Office 365.

It can be used by any group e.g. research, study, project groups, schools, professional services, teams etc for knowledge sharing.

Yammer can provide social and collaboration space for groups that work in different locations.

It can help to reduce email traffic and inbox load by acting as another channel for certain types of communications - for example bulletins, to ask questions or share best practice with your community.

How do I access Yammer?

Access Yammer via your web browser and mobile device.


  1. Log into Office 365 at https://portal.office.com/
  2. Click on the the Yammer tile on the home page


  1. Click the app launcher at the top left-hand side of the page banner
  2. Select Yammer

Apps are available for iOS, Android and Windows devices - get the Yammer app.

Further information

If you are not sure how to get started see:

Key information

Related documents