One-to-one academic skills consultations

Our one-to-one academic skills consultations provide all students (whether English is your first language or not) with academic writing advice on coursework using an appropriate structure and style. This will enable you to show your lecturers what you know and can do in your academic subjects. We work closely with some of the lecturers on your courses and can help you to interpret assignment briefs.

Our aim is to help you take control of writing and understand assessment requirements in order to become a member of your chosen academic community.

You can meet an academic writing consultant on a one-to-one basis to discuss a piece of writing or presentation you are currently working on. The consultants are specialists in academic writing and presentation skills, and some are published authors. We will also give you suggestions that you can apply to other work you do in the future.

Consultations usually last 20-30 minutes (or you can book two sessions together if you feel you need more time). You can request a consultation to discuss any of the following:

  • Understanding your assignment brief and planning what to write including formulating a suitable research question(s), choosing a narrow enough focus, and critical searching strategies 
  • Using academic sources critically and effectively in your writing and citing and referencing these sources accurately
  • Structuring your writing to make it easy to read and understand your points
  • Preparing a convincing argument
  • Academic writing style, grammar and vocabulary
  • Presentation skills or Powerpoint slide / poster design
  • Groupwork including intercultural communication and dealing with disagreements
  • Understanding Turnitin reports

If you want to discuss a piece of written work, you can submit a copy of this work when you sign up for your consultation or bring it with you. It is helpful if you also provide us with a copy of your assignment task or title and any additional assignment details, e.g. the course handbook.

Please note, the consultation service is not a proof reading service. We can look at a section of your work (around 10%, usually the introduction and/or conclusion) and give you feedback on structure and style and any mistakes in grammar. If necessary, we can put you in contact with a proof reader. 

To book a consultation, click on a name below to find out when we are available. You can choose a day and time which suits you. 

Book a one-to-one Academic Skills consultations
Consultant Appointment
Emma Guion AkdaÄŸ Book an appointment

Further study support is available on all campuses through the Effective Learning AdvisorsThe Skills Hub provides advice on academic writing and can help with time management, citing and referencing, literature searching and using Microsoft Office packages. 

Key information

Emma Guion Akdaǧ