Student satisfaction ranked in the top thirty



Overall Student satisfaction levels at Heriot-Watt are in the UK top 30 according to an annual study published today.

The National Student Survey 2021 (NSS), which asks full time degree students to rate their university experience in a range of areas, found that the University has been ranked in 28th place out of 123 UK universities and 8th in Scotland for the overall student experience.

The University also scored 2nd in the UK for Statistics in overall satisfaction and first in Scotland for 3 subjects: Chemical, Process and Energy Engineering; Management and Statistics.

Professor Richard Williams, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University, gave his reaction to the study, saying: “Our students are at the heart of everything we do and we aim to provide the very best environment, state-of-the-art facilities and access to influential industry partners in support of their learning as well as a Responsive Blended Learning approach with learning through engaging online webinars, tutorials, discussions, and projects.

“This has been an exceptionally tough year for all students and this achievement is testament to the resilience and determination of everyone at the University over the last 12-months.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank both our students for taking part in the survey and our staff who have invested so much in every aspect of student life here.  Everyone should feel a sense of pride in our achievements, as we continue to enhance the student experience at Heriot-Watt as part of our Strategy 2025 and look forward to the new Academic Year in September.”

For NSS 2021, the OfS and the UK funding and regulatory bodies have chosen to include a new set of questions in the NSS questionnaire to ask students about specific aspects of their experience during the pandemic.

The NSS 2021 results are available to view online with responses taken from full-time degree students.


Susan Kerr