HWUM spreads its wings in China



China visit 2023

The 28th China International Education Exhibition Tour (CIEET 2023) was recently held from 8 April until 16 April 2023. In addition to providing professional services for study abroad consultation and orientation, overseas academic credential evaluation, international student recruitment, and other related services, CSCSE promotes higher education cooperation and exchanges between China and international partners. CSCSE is a public organisation that reports to the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the People's Republic of China.

Representatives from Heriot-Watt University Malaysia (HWUM) grabbed the chance to experience it and to spread its wings in East Asia, especially China. Other than spreading the name and experiencing the environment in China, the trip was able to have an impact, such as promoting Heriot-Watt University’s institution and also able to establish a beneficial partnership with one another. The trip was to offer services for higher education exchanges and cooperation between China and international partners, international student recruitment, overseas academic credential evaluation, and other related services.