HWUM Hosts Senior Government Officers for JPA-BMCC Development Programme



Malaysia Government officers attending the JPA-BMCC Management Development Programme seated in a meeting room
Heriot-Watt University Malaysia (HWUM) was honoured to host three Senior Government Officers for the JPA-BMCC Management Development Programme

Heriot-Watt University Malaysia (HWUM) was honoured to host three Senior Government Officers for the JPA-BMCC Management Development Programme, with the theme 'Developing Sustainability-Driven Leaders'. The programme aims to provide senior-level government officials with practical experience by fostering collaboration with members of the BMCC (British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce).

The programme was conducted from 11 September 2023 to 27 September 2023 at the HWUM campus in Putrajaya. The senior government officials participating in this programme are Ismail Tawnie, Director of the Hydrogeology Research Centre at the National Water Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM); Pang Anak Nyukang, Senior Deputy Director of the Conservation and Protection Division at the Department of Fisheries Malaysia; and Ts. Dr. Izwah Ismail, Deputy Director at Ungku Omar Polytechnic.

This year holds special significance as the JPA Programme commemorates its 40th Anniversary, and the BMCC is marking its 60th Anniversary. During this programme, the participants in this initiative are set to gain insights into diverse business operations, management cultures, and sustainability practices, facilitating a deeper understanding of interactions between the public and private sectors.

The primary objective of the programme is to enhance efficiency, identify gaps, and strengthen relationships between the two sectors. Government officers bringing their insights to the table, helping to bridge the challenges faced by private entities when engaging with governmental bodies.
Additionally, the programme also offers senior government officers’ exposure to corporate business management and work culture. It also serves as a platform to identify potential public-private partnerships and solutions, promoting knowledge-sharing, process enhancement, and investment encouragement.

By strengthening these relationships between public and private entities, the programme encourages government officials to serve as Malaysia's ambassadors to the UK. This is not only to foster good relations but also to promote international collaboration.

Professor Mushtak Al-Atabi, Provost and Chief Executive Officer of HWUM said, "The role of Heriot-Watt University Malaysia in this is to facilitate familiarisation with the private sector environment, identify technology and innovation opportunities, address challenges, explore public-private partnerships and solutions, and provide exposure to company operations. We are more than happy to collaborate with partnerships such as this and to build stronger ties between Malaysia and UK in the public and private sector.”

I hope to gain a deeper understanding of HWUM’s business operations, familiarise myself with the management culture, and learn about any sustainability efforts that can be adapted in the public sector. One of the programmes at HWUM that I truly admire is the EmPOWER Programme, aimed at future-proofing graduates with critical thinking and an entrepreneurial mindset. I'm especially glad to participate in developing my Impact Statement, identifying my higher purpose and how to create a positive impact on the world. I believe EmPOWER fosters a positive culture, and I look forward to learning more about its influence.

Ismail Tawnie, Director of the Hydrogeology Research Centre at the National Water Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM)

Pang Anak Nyukang, Senior Deputy Director of the Conservation and Protection Division at the Department of Fisheries Malaysia expressed, “I'm proud to be part of the 24th JPA-BMCC Management Development Programme 2023 with the theme of Developing Sustainability-Driven Leaders. During my attachment at HWUM, I aim to enhance my leadership and management skills, adapting good governance practices to my department's future. HWUM's Go Global Inter-Campus Transfer Programme, introduced in 2015, is commendable, allowing students to study at different campuses and reducing costs significantly. My Impact Statement being crafted will help me define my purpose and contribute positively to my organisation. I appreciate HWUM's support and guidance.”

Ts. Dr. Izwah Ismail, Deputy Director at Ungku Omar Polytechnic, said, “The JPA-BMCC Management Development Programme is a prestigious initiative fostering UK-Malaysia relations. Assigned to HWUM, I anticipate gaining insights into contemporary leadership and management practices, benefiting my professional growth. This opportunity reintroduces paradigm-shifting concepts, enhancing my organisation's expansion, particularly in higher education, like TVET. It has the potential to boost my personal and professional development, contributing to my organisation's future advancement.”

After the attachment at HWUM, they will embark on business visits to the United Kingdom, followed by their second attachment from 9 to 18 October at the Heriot-Watt University campus in Edinburgh. The Lyell Centre, one of Europe’s leading centres in earth, marine and ecosystem sciences, is based on the HWU Edinburgh campus, and is created in partnership with the British Geological Survey. It is hoped that the programme will spark a meaningful, long-term rapport between Malaysia and the UK, as well as knowledge exchange between the two countries.  


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