Change of opening hours at GRID



The GRID building seen across the loch, Edinburgh Campus

The opening hours of the GRID building have been altered to deliver a service that better meets the needs of students at the Edinburgh campus.

GRID is now closed from midnight until 8am, seven-days-a-week. This is for the summer period initially, and will be reviewed again in line with the University's wider plans for 24-hour opening in advance of the new academic year.

A very small number of students, typically fewer than five, accessed GRID during the early hours and may be inconvenienced by this change. But adjusting the GRID's opening hours ensures the University's facilities are managed efficiently whilst also contributing to its commitment to environmental sustainability.

The decision to change the operating hours has been made with the full support of the Students' Union and the University will continue to work with them to address any concerns raised.  

Students or staff wishing to find out more should contact the EPS Technical Service Managers.


Craig McManamon

Job title
Communications officer