Dr Mesfin Getu Woldetensay
PhD in Chemical Engineering
- Role
- Associate Professor
- Section
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences
- m.g.woldetensay@hw.ac.uk

As Programme Director of Studies (PDoS):
To provide academic leadership in the management, operation and development of a programme (or group of related programmes within a discipline) at undergraduate and, if relevant, postgraduate taught3 levels at the UK, Dubai or Malaysia Campus as appropriate.
To contribute, in conjunction with the other campus Programme Directors of Studies, to the collective of management, operation and development of the programme(s) in all its campus variants.
To provide reports on matters related to the programme(s) to the relevant Board of Studies.
To contribute to the School Annual Monitoring and Review processes.
To contribute to the Academic Review of the programme(s)
To contribute to professional accreditation of the programme(s) and liaise with employers and industry as appropriate.
To ensure actions are taken in response to reports from Chief External Examiners and External Examiners.
To promote discussion and dissemination of good practice in enhancing the programme(s).
To represent the views of the teaching staff at the Board of Studies.
To be a member of relevant Board of Studies.
Dr. Mesfin is currently working as Assistant Professor & Program Director of Studies (PDoS) for Chemical Engineering. He obtained all his BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering. Before he joined Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus, he has worked as Postdoc Fellow (Yeungnam University, South Korea) and Senior Lecturer at Curtin University (Malaysia). Dr. Mesfin has won several awards both at the local and international levels. He has got award from IChemE (Institution of Chemical Engineers) for Research Innovation & Excellence and Honywell Design Challenge Competitions. He is associate member of the institution of Chemical Engineers (AMIChemE) and member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (MAIChE). He is also the reviewer for various Chemical Engineering Journals.
Design, Operation, Optimization and Uncertainty for Petrochemical Plants, Oil & Gas Industries.
Mesfin, G & Shuhaimi, M. (2010). A chance constrained approach for a gas processing plant with uncertain feed conditions”. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 34(8), 1256-1267. Elsevier.
Mesfin, G., Shuhaimi,M., Moonyong, L.(2012). Analyzing the effects of uncertainties on the economic performance of a chemical process plant using a probabilistic optimization technique. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 30, 832-836, 2012. Elsevier.
Mesfin,G., Khan, M.S., Long, N.V., Moonyong, L.(2012). Studying the effect of feed composition variation on typical natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery processes. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31, 405-409. Elsevier.
Mesfin, G., Shuhaimi, M., Moonyong, L.(2013).Techno-economic analysis of potential natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery processes under variations of feed compositions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91(7), 1272-1283. Elsevier.
Mesfin, G., Shuhaimi, M., Moonyong, L.(2013). Profit optimization for chemical process plant based on a probabilistic approach by incorporating material flow uncertainties. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 59,186-196.Elsevier.
Mesfin, G., Shuhaimi, M., Yudi, S.,Khan, M.S., Bahadori, A.,Moonyong, L.(2015). Risk-based optimization for representative natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery processes by considering uncertainty from the plant inlet. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,27, 42-54.Elsevier.
Khan, M.S, Husnil, Y.A., Mesfin, G., Moonyong, L. (2012).Modeling and Simulation of Multi-stream Heat Exchanger Using Artificial Neural Network”. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31,1196-1200.Elsevier.
Jung, Y., Long, N.V., Mesfin, G., Moonyong, L. (2012). A Study of Complex Distillation Arrangements for Improved Depropanizing, Debutanizing and Deisobutanizing Fractionation of NGL. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31,680-684. Elsevier.
Khan, M.S., Chaniago, Y.D., Mesfin, G., Moonyong, L. (2014).Energy saving opportunities in integrated NGL/LNG schemes exploiting: Thermal-coupling common-utilities and process knowledge. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 82, 54-64. Elsevier.
Khan, M.S., Lee, S.,Mesfin,G., Moonyong, L.(2015). Knowledge inspired investigation of selected parameters on energy consumption in nitrogen single and dual expander processes of natural gas liquefaction. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 23,324-337.Elsevier.
Park, J.H., Khan, M.S., Andika, R., Mesfin, G., Bahadori, A., Moonyong, L. (2015).Techno-economic evaluation of a novel NGL recovery scheme with nine patented schemes for offshore applications. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27, 2-17.Elsevier.
Tiong CC., Jobrun, N., & Mesfin, G. (2016). Retrofitting Options for Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) Fractionation Trains Using the Concept of Single Column Development. Procedia Engineering, 148,923-931.Elsevier.
Wahid A., Pham, L.T.D, Mohd, S.K, Mesfin,G., Moonyong,L. (2018). Measuring the reliability of a natural gas refrigeration plant: Uncertainty propagation and quantification with polynomial chaos expansion based sensitivity analysis. Reliability Engineering & System Safety,172, 130-117. Elsevier.