Chemical Engineering students and societies

Chemical Engineering students can engage with the subject and their peers through societies, internships, and ambassador programmes.
Chemical Engineering Society
The Heriot-Watt Chemical Engineering Society is a brilliant way to connect with your fellow students. The society is managed by a committee of dedicated students who organise a variety of events each year, including Christmas Ceilidhs, the Frank Morton Sports Day, Graduation Balls, fundraisers, and pub crawls.
The society also hosts informative engineering sessions that attract experienced chemical engineers to share their stories.
Through the Chemical Engineering Society, new students can also access peer-to-peer support and mentoring from later year students.
- Chemical Engineering Society Student Union Page
- Chemical Engineering Society Facebook
- Chemical Engineering Society Instagram
Watt Women in STEM Society
Founded in 2019 by Chemical Engineering student Emily Mason, this student-run society aims to break down the barriers for female students in STEM related subjects.
It presents brilliant opportunities to impact and inspire the next generation of engineers, including site visits to Science and Engineering companies, talks from women in STEM, workshops and social outings.
The society is affiliated with Equate Scotland (Interconnect project) and WES (Women's Engineering Society). Equate Scotland is the national expert in gender equality throughout the STEM sectors and enables women studying and working in these keys sectors to develop. WES is a professional network of women engineers, scientists and technologists offering inspiration, support and professional development.
- Watt Women in STEM Society Student Union Page
- Watt Women in STEM Society Facebook
- Watt Women in STEM Society Instagram