Hadj Batatia
Hadj Batatia
- Job title
- Associate Professor
- h.batatia@hw.ac.uk
- Role
- Associate Professor
- Section
- School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences
- h.batatia@hw.ac.uk

Dr Batatia is the Associate Director of Research and Director of BSc Data Sciences
Dr Hadj Batatia is an Associate Professor at the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences in Heriot-Watt University Dubai (HWUD) since 2020. He is also Associate Director of research and Director of the BSc (Hons) Data Sciences.
Prior to joining HWUD, Hadj was an Associate Professor in the Computer Science department of the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (University of Toulouse), France. Previously, he also was Director of the Graduate Apprenticeship in Computer Science, Head of the Computer Science department, and Associate Director of the Engineering School at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers – Toulouse Campus, France.
He has taught courses across a large spectrum of subjects that include Systems Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Processing and Software Development at various levels (Diploma, Bachelors, Masters). His combined experience in academia spans a total of 27 years across France, the UK, Malaysia and currently the UAE. Throughout his academic career, Hadj has contributed to the design of new curricula and updating existing ones. He currently teaches Biologically Inspired Computation, Big Data Management, and Advanced Software Engineering MSc courses.
His research interests are mainly in the areas of Statistical Medical Image Processing, Artificial Vision, and Statistical Machine Learning. To date, Hadj has published over 150 research papers in peer reviewed academic journals and international conferences, in addition to supervising 15 PhD theses.
Hadj completed his PhD and his postgraduate studies at the University of Toulouse, France. He is fluent in both English and French.
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0433-2152
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=rsGFcxwAAAAJ
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hadj-Batatia
Khaled Trabelsi, Achraf Ammar, Liwa Masmoudi, Hadj Batatia, et al. Globally altered sleep patterns and physical activity levels by confinement in 5056 individuals : Eclb covid-19 international online survey. Biology of Sport, 38(4) :495, 2021.
Achraf Ammar, Khaled Trabelsi, Michael Brach, Hadj Batatia, et al. Effects of home confinement on mental health and lifestyle behaviours during the covid-19 outbreak : insights from the eclb-covid19 multicentre study. Biology of sport, 38(1) :9, 2021.
Khaled Trabelsi, Achraf Ammar, Liwa Masmoudi, Hadj Batatia, et al. Sleep quality and physical activity as predictors of mental wellbeing variance in older adults during covid-19 lockdown : Eclb covid-19 international online survey. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(8) :4329, 2021.
Adel Kamli, Rachida Saouli, Hadj Batatia, Mostefa BenNaceur, and Imane Youkana. Synthetic medical image generator for data augmentation and anonymisation based on generative adversarial network for glioblastoma tumours growth prediction. IET Image Processing, 14 :4248–4257(9), December 2020.
Achraf Ammar, Patrick Mueller, Khaled Trabelsi, Hadj Batatia, et al. Psychological consequences of covid-19 home confinement : The eclb-covid19 multicenter study. PloS one, 15(11) :e0240204, 2020.
AntonioQuintero-Rincón, ValeriaMuro, CarlosdG ́iano, JorgePrendes, and Hadj Batatia.Statisti- cal model-based classification to detect patient-specific spike-and-wave in eeg signals. Computers, 9(4) :85, 2020.
Achraf Ammar, Hamdi Chtourou, Omar Boukhris, Hadj Batatia, et al. Covid-19 home confinement negatively impacts social participation and life satisfaction : a worldwide multicenter study. Interna- tional journal of environmental research and public health, 17(17) :6237, 2020.
Achraf Ammar, Michael Brach, Khaled Trabelsi, Haddj Batatia, et al. Effects of covid-19 home confinement on eating behaviour and physical activity : results of the eclb-covid19 international online survey. Nutrients, 12(6) :1583, 2020.
Antonio Quintero-Rincón, Carlos d’Giano, and Hadj Batatia. A quadratic linear-parabolic model- based eeg classification to detect epileptic seizures. Journal of Biomedical Research, 34(3) :205, 2020.
Carl Rizk, Félix Mora-Camino, and Hadj Batatia. Optimization of passenger screening operations in air terminals. Transportation research procedia, 35 :23–34, 2018.
Antonio Quintero-Rincón, Marcelo Pereyra, Carlos D ?Giano, Marcelo Risk, and Hadj Batatia. Fast statistical model-based classification of epileptic eeg signals. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engi- neering, 38(4) :877–889, 2018.
Abdelghafour Halimi, Hadj Batatia, Jimmy Le Digabel, Gwendal Josse, and Jean Yves Tourneret. Wavelet-based statistical classification of skin images acquired with reflectance confocal microscopy. Biomedical optics express, 8(12) :5450–5467, 2017.
Facundo Costa, Hadj Batatia, Thomas Oberlin, and Jean-Yves Tourneret. Skull conductivity estima- tion for eeg source localization. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2017.
FacundoCosta,HadjBatatia,ThomasOberlin,CarlosDG ́iano,andJean-YvesTourneret.Bayesian eeg source localization using a structured sparsity prior. NeuroImage, 144(Part A) :142 – 152, Jan 2017.
Andrea Laruelo, Lotfi Chaari, Jean-Yves Tourneret, Hadj Batatia, Soleakhena Ken, Ben Rowland, Gilles Ferrand, and Anne Laprie. Spatio-spectral regularization to improve magnetic resonance spec- troscopic imaging quantification. NMR in Biomedicine, 29(7) :918 – 931, July 2016.
Lotfi Chaari, Jean Yves Tourneret, Caroline Chaux, and Hadj Batatia. A hamiltonian monte carlo method for non-smooth energy sampling. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 64(21) :5585 – 5594, Nov 2016.
Antonio Quintero-Rincon, Marcelo Pereyra, Carlos D’Giano, Hadj Batatia, and Marcelo Risk. A new algorithm for epilepsy seizure onset detection and spread estimation from eeg signals. Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 705(1) :012032, 2016.
Facundo Costa, Hadj Batatia, Lotfi Chaari, and Jean Yves Tourneret. Sparse eeg source localization using bernoulli laplacian priors. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62(12) :2888 – 2898, Dec 2015.
Marcelo Pereyra, Hadj Batatia, and Stephen McLaughlin. Exploiting information geometry to im- prove the convergence of nonparametric active contours. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24(3) :836 – 845, March 2015.
AndreaLaruelo,T.Fecher,LotfiChaari,SoleakhenaKen,BenRowland,HadjBatatia,RégisFerrand, L. Simon, Jean-Yves Tourneret, and Anne Laprie. Towards accurate and robust mrsi quantification to improve the radiation therapy treatment of gbm. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 90(1) :793, Sept 2014.
Nicolas Meyer, V Lauwers-Cances, Siham Lourari, J Laurent, M. P. Konstantinou, J. M. Lagarde, B. Krief, Hadj Batatia, L Lamant, and C Paul. High frequency ultrasonography but not 930nm optical coherence tomography reliably evaluates melanoma thickness in vivo : a prospective validation study. British Journal of Dermatology, 171(4) :799 – 805, May 2014.
Marcelo Alejandro Pereyra, Nicolas Dobigeon, Hadj Batatia, and Jean-Yves Tourneret. Computing the cramer-rao bound of markov random field parameters : Application to the ising and the potts models. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 21(1) :47 – 50, Jan 2014.
DavidDidierlaurent,CyrilJaudet,SophieRibes,HadjBatatia,L.O.Dierickx,SZerdoud,SBrillouet, Kathleen Weits, Frederic Courbon, and Olivier Caselles. Comparison of an alternative and existing binning methods to reduce the acquisition duration of 4d pet/ct. Medical Physics, 41(11) :11250 – 60, Sept 2014.
Marcelo Alejandro Pereyra, Hadj Batatia, and Stephen Mc Laughlin. Exploiting information geome- try to improve the convergence properties of variational active contours. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 7(4) :700 – 707, Aug 2013.
Marcelo Alejandro Pereyra, Nicolas Dobigeon, Hadj Batatia, and Jean-Yves Tourneret. Estimating the granularity coefficient of a potts-markov random field within a markov chain monte carlo algo- rithm. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(6) :2385 – 2397, June 2013