On the day

On Arrival 

Graduands and guests should arrive at the venue (Putrajaya Marriot Hotel) no later than 1.5 hours before the start of their ceremony to register and collect tickets.

Graduand Registration & Ticket Collection

Graduand registration will take place at the Graduand Registration Desk. Upon registration, graduands will receive a seat card (graduands must sit in the seat number given) and reception ticket, if applicable.

Guest Ticket Collection

Guest tickets can be collected from the Guest Ticket Desk.

Gown Collection

To be confirmed.


To be confirmed.

Graduation Ceremony

Graduands and guests must be seated 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony. The doors will be closed before the ceremony begins, and will not be re-opened until the ceremony has concluded. Late comers will not be permitted to enter.  The ceremony will take place in the Putrajaya Ballroom 2.


Following each graduation ceremony there will be a reception where refreshments will be served. The reception commences immediately after each ceremony has concluded and will last for approximately one hour. The reception will take place in the Lobby Lounge.

We hope you enjoy your graduation day!