Moser, Annabell

Project Title
Developing the next generation of sediment profile imaging camera/ planar optode system for use on autonomous platforms
Sediment profile imaging (SPI) cameras and planar oxygen optode systems provide a means to rapidly study environmental conditions of seafloor environments. They are deployed on autonomous landers, and used by research companies around the world to investigate seafloor environments exposed to anthropogenic activities. In both systems, a flat plate is pushed into the sediment where a camera or oxygen sensitive foil take a seafloor image, or measure pore-water oxygen, respectively.
The project will involve the development and testing of a new, novel sediment imaging system (termed “I-SPI”) that will be capable of being deployed from an autonomous lander platform. The new design will be designed to reduce extensive smearing artefacts and allow 3D images to be generated of sediment conditions, thereby better aiding rapid investigations of seafloor conditions.
Dr Andrew Sweetman