Sheehy, Jack

Project Title
Blue Carbon audit of Orkney
Project Abstract
Climate change is predominantly caused by anthropogenic activities releasing carbon into the atmosphere. Blue carbon may be described as the carbon captured by the natural environment in the marine environment. This may occur in sessile habitats such as kelp forests, maerl beds, seagrass and saltmarshes and in mobile species such as algae, fish, birds and mammals. In this PhD I will attempt to create a framework with which to map and predict extent ranges of sessile habitats, and their rates of carbon sequestration in addition to looking at methodologies with which to calculate carbon stores in mobile fauna and flora. The project will inform upon carbon sequestration in the marine environment in Orkney, with potential application to other geographic areas, and will help inform marine spatial planning and policy for the government to then mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Dr Jo Porter, Dr Mike Bell, Dr John Baxter
Ms Mary Spencer Jones, Dr Richard Bates, Dr Gareth Davies