Support for students who are pregnant

The University is also committed ensuring a safe environment for pregnant students and students returning to study following a period of maternity or paternity leave. We take pride in our efforts to create a working, educational and social environment which is inclusive. We want to ensure that all of our students have an experience that enables them to reach their full potential, excelling in their studies and throughout their interactions across the University Community.

If you are pregnant, it is important that you contact Student Wellbeing Services so you can seek advice and support about your next steps.

This information will be dealt with sensitively and we only share information with your consent. It is important you tell us if you are pregnant so we can ensure the health and safety of you and your pregnancy.

Wellbeing Checklist

Student Wellbeing Services have created a Maternity Wellbeing Checklist for students who are pregnant. We would advise that you fully complete this checklist. You can download a printable version of our Maternity Wellbeing Checklist.

Read the Heriot-Watt New Parent and Expectant Persons Procedure

You can read our New Parent and Expectant Persons Procedure. As well as Appendix 1 and Appendix 2

Arrange an appointment with Student Wellbeing Services

Email or call 0131 451 3386.

At this appointment you can discuss next steps and ensure any support you might find helpful can be put in place. At this meeting you can seek guidance on your particular circumstances.

HWU Parent and Carers Network

Students at Edinburgh campus who are parents, or expectant parents, and carers are also welcome to join the HWU Parent and Carers Network; a group aimed at offering mutual support, resources, advice, and guidance for our students and staff with caring responsibilities as well as parents. Regular coffee mornings and socials are organised throughout the year to provide time to connect with others. To get involved, you can contact Mika by emailing

Download the SafeZone app

The Heriot-Watt SafeZone app allows you to seek emergency or medical assistance on campus if required.

Register with a local GP

Are you registered with a GP? If not, this is how you register with a GP.

Seek guidance from your Personal Tutor regarding your academic options

Your Personal Tutor will be able to discuss your options in regards to your academic studies. If you aren't sure who your Personal Tutor is, you can find out on Student Self Service or by asking your School Office.

Health and Safety

You should make your academic supervisor aware that you are pregnant so necessary risk assessments can be completed for you and your pregnancy. Make yourself familiar with the University risk assessment process and those applicable to any activities you are involved in. Follow any direction or instructions deemed necessary by risk assessment outcomes. Please make your academic supervisor aware of any medical conditions that may impact on an activity or be a potential hazard

Make yourself familiar with the rest and feeding facilities on campus

You will be shown these during your appointment with Student Wellbeing

Make yourself familiar with the Mitigating Circumstances policy

If your pregnancy or maternity affects examinations or assessments you should submit an application with supporting evidence.

Maternity related absence

Notify the University in writing at least 15 weeks before you intend to take Maternity Related Absence

Key information

Student Wellbeing Team