HWUM Student Among Finalists at BIM JKR Competition



JKR Competition HWUM

Gertrude Sia, a final year student pursuing a Bachelor of Quantity Surveying from Heriot-Watt University Malaysia's (HWUM) School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society (EGIS), showcased her exceptional talents in the Building Information Modelling (BIM) Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Competition, held on Tuesday, 25 October 2023, at the JKR Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur. She emerged as one of the top 5 finalists after competing against other students in the BIM field.

Working under the guidance of her supervisor, Sr Ruzanna Rahman, Gertrude prepared an Extended Abstract and a Poster presentation on the topic "The Integration of BIM and Blockchain Technology in Construction Information Management" for the BIM Research Academic (Undergraduate) Category.

The competition, which brought together some of the brightest young minds in the field, featured a series of presentations and projects centred around the innovative use of BIM in construction and infrastructure development. Gertrude's exceptional work allowed her to advance to the final round, where she earned her spot as a top 5 finalist among 10 participants.

Gertrude's achievement serves as an inspiration to all of the HWUM community to continue contributing and empowering knowledge to society and industry. HWUM extends our congratulations to Gertrude Sia from EGIS on this extraordinary achievement!


HWU News Malaysia