HWUM Spearheads International Collaboration Through 3D Energy Project



HWUM 3D Energy Project

Heriot-Watt University Malaysia (HWUM) continues to lead in the sustainable energy sector with its innovative "Decarbonisation, Decentralisation, and Digitalisation (3D Energy)" project. Developed under the UK-China-BRI Countries Education Partnership Initiative, this unique project established a robust collaboration between Heriot-Watt University, Guangxi University, and Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HCMUT). The project transcends traditional academic partnerships, becoming a nexus for multifaceted ideas, facilitating cultural exchange, and driving progressive energy solutions.

At the heart of this collaboration is the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) initiative on the Open Learning platform. Emphasising Smart Local Energy Systems, COIL combines rigorous academic knowledge with the adaptive world of online learning.

This virtual partnership culminated in a significant two-day summit held in Vietnam from 17-18 August 2023. Students from Malaysia, China, and Vietnam came together, translating their digital insights into actionable solutions. Their detailed presentations and the depth of ensuing discussions highlighted the potential of the 3D Energy landscape.

Esteemed keynote presentations further amplified the depth of the event. Professor Goh Hui Hwang communicated on "AI and Big Data Analytics and Insight in Power System", while Associate Professor Dr. Phan Quoc Dung spoke on "Decentralized control for multilevel multiphase converters".

On the following day, our academic from the School of Physical Sciences (EPS), Assistant Professor Dr. Yew Weng Kean delivered his keynote presentation, where he navigated the nuanced interplay of 3D Energy in an electric vehicle-dominant future. Many students expressed their appreciation post-presentation, highlighting the interactive nature of the session as a standout in their summit experience.

One student reflected, "The most impactful element was the session between students from Malaysia, Vietnam, and China. We shared our thoughts on 3D micro credential energy from varied viewpoints. Sharing our related projects expanded our horizons, prompting deeper reflection on our future contributions. The Vietnam summit was truly impactful for me."

Dr. Yew who was also the leader of the 3D Energy Project said:

The essence of knowledge is not just understanding, but application especially in our ever-evolving global landscape. This summit is a testament to the power of collaboration. By challenging participants from varied backgrounds to offer solutions to multifaceted energy problems, we are fostering not only professional growth but cementing international bonds of collaboration and friendship.

Dr. Yew Weng Kean, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS), HWUM

One of the event highlights was our recent graduate, Foo-Ee Herng from the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS), earning the best presenter award for his innovative project, "Energy Harvesting: Maglev Wind Turbine Design Prototype for Domestic Use".

The summit symbolised more than just academic enlightenment. It underscored the significance of global collaboration, nurturing budding leaders poised to understand the intricate layers of the 3D energy landscape. As the 3D Energy project moves forward, it continues to be a beacon of collaborative academic endeavours. We eagerly anticipate the next physical summit, which will be hosted by Guangxi University in summer 2024.


HWU News Malaysia