Fit-For-Future closing ceremony 2023



FFF Closing Ceremony 2023

Fit-For-Future's recent closing ceremony on 12 May was a remarkable testament to the programme's transformational journey in empowering students to become stronger global citizens ready to meet challenges in the 21st century and beyond. The occasion served as a celebration of the university's dedication to innovation, academic excellence, and cultivating a community of graduates who are future-ready and who possess a strong sense of self-confidence, the capacity for positive emotional expression, and a distinct sense of purpose.

Students participated in various activities and workshops during the four-day Fit-For-Future programme, encouraging them to push themselves beyond their comfort zones. They learned how to use methods that would promote a successful mindset. Additionally, students learned more about their own personal strengths, interests, and potential. They discovered the value of showing empathy and gratitude. Students also developed their own SMART (Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals after learning about the significance of goal-setting. Beyond the workshops, students also created brief videos as part of a group project to demonstrate the success of the workshop learning objectives.

The closing ceremony was held on the last day of the programme to celebrate the students' accomplishments. Some students presented their SMART goals, while others discussed their reflections and takeaways from the workshops. A student named Alyssa also created an illustration in honor of the programme. The illustration was inspired by Heriot-Watt University's coat of arms and various elements commemorating the harmony of the east and west. The bright colours represent opposites working together to produce a symphony of shades. On the sides of the crest are two flowers: the thistle of Scotland and the hibiscus of Malaysia. On top of the crest is a magnificent creation of the two countries: a silhouette of our beloved Heriot-Watt Malaysian campus.

The programme's diverse range of workshops and activities gave students the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication. They also learned about various topics, such as sustainability, entrepreneurship, and global citizenship. The closing ceremony of the Fit-For-Future program was a celebration of the student’s accomplishments and a look ahead to their bright futures. The university is proud to have played a role in preparing these students for success.