A row boat laden with fishing baskets and a pink buoy on a beach in Orkney

Marine, Environment and Climate Change

Our Marine, Environment and Climate Change courses provide a theoretical understanding as well as hands on practical lab and field based experience developing the skills required for a marine related career in a modern, globalised world.

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Eleven common redshanks stand on a rocky ledge looking out

Study in centres of expertise

Our Marine, Environment and Climate Change courses are delivered by The Institute of Life and Earth Sciences in Edinburgh and Orkney.

The Centre for Marine Biodiversity & Biotechnology is renowned for its interdisciplinary expertise in Marine Science, Environment impact and Ecotoxicology.

The Lyell Centre combines interdisciplinary expertise in land and marine conservation, including the deep-sea, geology and geoscience.

The International Centre for Island Technology is recognised for its research, training and consultancy in renewable energy, marine science and environmental resources and delivers our Orkney Campus programmes.

Marine, Environment and Climate Change

Postgraduate Marine, Environment and Climate Change programmes


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