Suggest a book/journal/item


Teaching staff

For Reading Lists

Information Services aims to provide access to every item on a reading list, with multiple copies for larger classes, and wider reading to support student's learning. We will aim to provide an eBook rather than a print copy. 

Send your reading lists to the campus library early in the summer vacation for courses running in semester 1 and at least six weeks before Semester 2 begins. If the same book is needed at more than one campus please contact each library directly.

Reading list contacts
Campus Contact
Scottish Borders Campus
Dubai Campus
Edinburgh Campus
Malaysia Campus
Orkney Campus

 The following information is required:

  • Title and code of the course
  • Details of the items needed (as much information as possible is helpful e.g. author, title, ISBN, publisher, year, edition)
  • Number of expected students
  • If an item is a key or core text
  • Item(s) to be placed on the 3 hour loan system
  • If there is a reason to provide a print rather than an eBook copy as we will be giving preference to eBook copies of titles where available?

Items on reading lists can also be requested using the Book request form (Edinburgh, Scottish Borders and Orkney campuses only). Select reading list item.

For non-reading list items

Please check on Discovery to see if other titles are available which may help instead. If this is the only title that can help and is essential to your research or project please fill in the book order form as usual and we will look into eBook provision for the title if your request is approved by your School’s ISPC. Alternatively, your School’s Liaison Librarian may be able to help recommend alternative resources. Please contact them at for help. To request items to support students' wider reading for research, dissertations, theses, projects etc. use the contact details for your campus library above. Edinburgh, Orkney and Scottish Borders campus staff can also use the book request form. These items requests are automatically forwarded to your School's Information Services Primary Contact (ISPC) for approval (Edinburgh, Orkney and Scottish Borders campuses only).

You will be notified when items are ordered and when they become available. We will aim to provide an eBook rather than a print copy.

Researchers and students

Information Services will purchase items (researchers) and books (students) to support your research. Use the contact details for your campus library above. Edinburgh, Orkney and Scottish Borders campus staff can also use the Book request form (select non-reading list). These items requests are automatically forwarded to your School's ISPC for approval (Edinburgh, Orkney and Scottish Borders campuses only).

You will be notified when items are ordered and when they become available. We will aim to provide an eBook rather than a print copy.

What happens to your book requests?

Orders are placed with our supplier within a week of receiving request information. Items ordered are shown in Discovery as "On Order" with an estimated date of arrival.

Most orders are received within two weeks of the order being placed with our supplier, but we cannot guarantee this for any particular item. If you wish to find out the status of any particular book order, please contact your campus library. When print books are received from our suppliers, they are catalogued and print items are prepared for shelving, normally within the week.

eBooks are usually accessible within a week of the request being received. A new record with a direct and permanent link to the item is added to Discovery to provide access to the eBook. You will be notified when your eBook is ordered and when it is available to read online.


Suggestions for new journals at Edinburgh, Scottish Borders and Orkney campus libraries should be forwarded to your Academic Support and Liaison Librarian for consideration as part of the annual renewal process. Because of the high rate of price increases for academic journals, funds for new subscriptions are limited. There is an annual timetable for consultation and managing decisions on journal subscriptions, aimed at achieving the best range of subscriptions within the available budget and at introducing increased flexibility and choice to Schools. The timetable and procedure is available in the Collection Development Policy (Appendix B). Please contact the Dubai and Malaysia libraries directly if you have a query about a new journal.

Other items

Contact your Academic Support and Liaison Librarian.

Key information