School Students Prove their Accounting Skills in HWUM's EBS Accounting Quiz



EBS Accounting Quiz 2023

The “So You Think You Want to be an Accountant?” EBS Accounting Quiz 2023 was held throughout the month of August 2023. The final round of the quiz was held on 29 August 2023 at Heriot-Watt University Malaysia (HWUM) campus. The quiz attracted over 800 participants from various high schools across Malaysia, with 30 students making it to the final round of the quiz.

The grand finale of the quiz took place at Computer Lab 1, where participants put their accounting knowledge to the test, racing against time to complete 25 accountancy theoretical and computational problems. The winners were judged based on their accuracy and speed in solving the accountancy problems.

The much-awaited prize giving ceremony was given in two categories. Here are the winners:

Institutional Prize Category (Schools with most participants)

Ranking School
1st SMJK Chan Wa, Seremban
2nd Chong Hwa Independent High School, KL
3rd  Han Chiang High School, Penang

Individual Prize Category

Ranking Name School
1st Sim Jia Yi Hin Hua High School, Selangor
2nd Jia Yee Tee Chong Hwa Independent High School, KL
3rd Qian Yu Tong SMK Taman Desa, KL

Lee Fan Sheng and Lam Tian Jin from SMJK Chan Wa expressed their feelings on clinching the top spot as champion said, “We feel very proud; not everyone gets this opportunity. Out of 800 participants, we won! On this occasion, I would like to thank my teacher, Mrs. Sarala Devi, who gave us motivation and support throughout the competition.”

Winner of the Individual Category, Sim Jia Yi from Hin Hua High School said, “I am very surprised to win first place. I just gave my level best in this competition. I would like to thank my teachers, my parents, and friends who supported me in this competition.”  

Professor David Ong, the EBS Quiz Project Manager, applauded the participants for their exceptional skill and knowledge in the field of accounting, saying, “Congratulations to all the participants who took part in the Accounting Quiz 2023 Final Round. This competition is testimonial to their skills and knowledge in accounting. Accounting is a promising career and it's a very interesting field to learn about. This competition is related to taxation and auditing, which is challenging. I would like to say that they should take this opportunity to explore more about accounting and I encourage them to take part in other accounting competitions out there; perhaps it will help their future and careers as well.”

The event concluded with a campus tour and talk, allowing participants to explore HWUM's vibrant environment. The event stood a wonderful experience to the participants, encouraging them to continue pursuing their passion for accounting.


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