Applying from inside the UK

Previous applications

If you have already applied for a special visa extension you can submit another application but there is no guarantee that it will be successful. 

Continuing students

Student visa holders who are in the UK now and will be continuing to study in the UK, and whose visas are going to expire soon should contact the Visa Advice and Compliance team by logging an enquiry on the Student Portal to discuss their options, including requesting a CAS and making a new Student visa application if you are eligible.

Financial requirements

Under normal circumstances, the most common reason for a visa refusal is not meeting the financial requirements. You are required to hold tuition fees and maintenance for a period of 28 days and the University will ask to see your documentation prior to issuing a CAS letter. Please take time to read the information contained in the ‘financial documents' section below.


Rules regarding those permitted to apply to extend their visa from inside the UK are very strict. If you have changed course, or had to repeat a semester/year, and now need to extend your visa (either to continue, or to begin a new course) you may be required to apply from outside of the UK. Please contact the Visa Advice and Compliance team via the Student Portal under FAQs, 'International Students in the UK' for further information.

Accessing the visa application form

If you are currently in the UK and are permitted to extend your Tier 4 or student visa, or are applying to switch from another permitted visa category, then you should do so via the UK Government website. Take time to read through the guidance, and when you are ready to start your application form, select 'Extend your visa', followed by 'Apply to extend your stay' which can be found half way down the page.

When you create an application you will be sent a link via e-mail. You must keep this link safe as you will need it to log in to your application at a later date.

You will find guidance on finding and completing the application form here: 'Guide to Completing an on-line Tier 4 Application Form from Inside the UK'.

Application process

If you are extending your Tier 4 or student visa to continue on the same course, the application must be made before your current visa expires. If you are changing institutions or starting a new course, applications can be made up to six months before your programme start date as noted on your CAS.  Any application made before this point will automatically be refused. Please contact the Visa Advice & Compliance team for further advice via the Student Portal under FAQs then 'International Students in the UK'.

When starting the application you might be invited to use the UK Immigration ID App which will remove the need to attend a biometric appointment centre.  If you cannot use the app, then once you have completed the form, applicants will then be directed to UKVACS website to book an appointment to attend a biometric centre in person, where they will enrol their biometric information. The website will indicate the latest date the appointment can be booked for, during busy periods there can be longer delays in getting an appointment. All applicants whether or not they have used the app will still need to upload documents on the UKVACS site. 

Applicants will retain their original documents, including their passports, while the application is being processed.

A thorough guide on making a student visa application can be found on the United Kingdom Council for International Students Association (UKCISA) website. We recommend the following pages; 'Eligibility and Requirements' and 'Making a student visa application in the UK'. We advise that you take time to read this document carefully before making your application. It is also recommended that you read the student and child Policy Guidance as published on the Home Office website.

Application Fees

Application fee

Visa applications must be made before your current visa expires. Applications can be made in three different ways:

  • Standard application has a service standard of eight weeks and costs £495.
  • Priority application has a service standard of 10 working days and costs £952. Ten working days is the decision time only. The full duration is likely to take around three weeks from the point of application to receiving your visa.

Immigration health surcharge

In addition to the application fee, you will need to pay an immigration health surcharge when you apply. The surcharge was introduced by the UK Government for students and their dependants to contribute towards the cost of providing a National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. The charge has been set at £470 for students and for their dependants and will be applied to all applications from inside the UK. The £470 is a pro rata annual fee based on the total number of years that the student or student dependant visa is granted. Part years will be charged at £235 if less than six months, and £470 if between six months and 12 months duration.

This charge will be applicable to all nationalities. Further information can be found on the UKVI website: Immigration health surcharge: information for migrants.

How we can help

The Visa Advice & Compliance team can help by checking your application form and documentation. It is still your responsibility to complete the application form and collect all supporting documents as per instructions. It is also you responsibility to scan and upload your supporting documents and/or make an appointment, to visit a UCVACS centre in person either in Glasgow or Edinburgh if you are not able to use the IDV app.

Many student visa extensions are quite straightforward, but students can often experience delays in obtaining the supporting documentation they need. To allow extra time to receive items such as bank statements, family or embassy sponsor letters and CAS letters, plan to first speak to a global student adviser five or six weeks before your visa expires. We are happy to meet with you to discuss your application at any point. 

Once you have collected all of the supporting documentation that you need, and have started the online application form, you should then book an appointment with an adviser to check through these and help you to submit the application.

If you wish the Visa Advice & Compliance team to help you with your application, it is vital that when you reach the ‘Check your answers' section of the form, you select 'return to application later' and email the link to yourself. You will need this link to log in at a later date. If you go any further than this then we will be unable to make any changes.

Please note, having a confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS) number from Heriot-Watt University and sending your application through the University does not guarantee that your visa extension will be granted.

Financial documents

Finance documents

You are required to show that you have sufficient funds to support yourself in the UK. The amount needed includes your full tuition fee as stated on your CAS letter (minus any amount already paid), plus maintenance of up to £9207. Maintenance is calculated as £1023 for each month of your course, up to a maximum of nine months (any part-month should be rounded up). This means that if you will be studying for a course that lasts three months only, the amount that you will need is £3069. If you will be studying for a course lasting nine months or more, the amount that you will need is £9207. The total maintenance and outstanding fees amount must be held as a minimum balance in the account for at least 28 days without dipping below the required amount. Required funds must remain in your bank account until the date of application.

The maintenance requirement will increase for student visa applications made on or after 2nd January 2025, the new amount will increase to £1136 per month. 

If you have been in the UK for 12 months or longer and are applying to extend your Student visa you will be exempt from providing financial evidence as part of your application, if you are unsure whether you qualify please contact the Visa Advice and Immigration team by logging an enquiry on the Student Portal or booking an appointment with our Global Student Advisor. 

What documents can you use?

More than one bank statement can be used, however they must be personal bank accounts, and show the same date range.

Personal Certificates of Deposit

These documents do not show the transaction details of the account and it is therefore important to check the date of the certificate and the deposit date.  There must be a duration of 28 days or more between the deposit date and the date the certificate is issued. You also need to make sure the account is not frozen, usually there is a disclaimer on the back noting this but often a further disclaimer stating that the account can be unfrozen at any time at the request of the account holder.

Personal UK bank account

We recommend that you use a UK bank statement that is in your own name and that contains the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your account number
  • The date of the statement (must be produced less than 31 days before your application)
  • The bank's name and logo
  • The amount of money available in your account
  • Stamp on every page unless the statement was posted to you or you have a letter from the bank confirming the information within the statement is accurate. 

Personal foreign bank account

This bank statement should show the same information as detailed above, however, in addition, the balance of your account should be shown in British Pounds (GBP). Your currency must be converted into pounds using the exchange rate found on the OANDA website. This conversion should be handwritten on the bottom of your bank statement along with the date you converted it.

Not all banks are accepted by the Home Office and it is therefore important you check their website before submitting your application. This affects the following countries: Cameroon, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Ghana, Bangladesh, Iran and Sri Lanka.

Please refer to Appendix P of the Immigration Rules for further information.

Parent or guardian bank account

The Home Office have agreed to also accept parental bank statements, provided these are accompanied by your birth certificate, and a signed letter from your parent(s) detailing (i) their relationship to you (ii) the amount shown on their bank statement and (iii) giving their permission for their funds to be used to pay for your UK tuition fees/living costs during your studies.

Official financial sponsorship

An official financial sponsor is: Her Majesty's Government; your home government (or embassy); the British Council; or any international organisation, university or company.

If you are being financially sponsored (either full, or in part) you will need to provide a letter from your sponsor. This must be written on their official letter-headed stationery.  If your sponsorship is coming from the University then information should be included on the CAS letter. The letter must be dated (we would recommend your letter be no more than three months old) and include:

  • Your name
  • The name and contact details of your official financial sponsor
  • The length of time your sponsorship covers (as well as permission to remain in the UK until the end of your programme)
  • The amount of money they will pay towards your fees and monthly living costs. Alternatively, your sponsor should state on the letter that they will cover all tuition fees and living costs.
  • Official stamp of the organisation

If your sponsor has indicated that you are due to return to your Home Country by a certain date, this may reduce the length of visa extension given to below that which you would normally expect.

Partial Sponsorships

If your scholarship only provides some of the finances required, or only covers some of the study period you will be required to provide additional evidence of having the required funds available, such as your own bank statement.  Please discuss with ISA if you are unsure about this. 

Previous financial sponsorship

If you are no longer receiving funding in the UK, but have done so in the last 12 months, your official financial sponsor must still include a statement giving their consent to you remaining in the UK. If they do not give this permission then your application will be refused. This does not apply to funding you have received from the University.

Other acceptable finance documents

There are a number of other documents that the Home Office will accept as proof of funds. For a full list, or for further information on any of the methods mentioned above, please visit the Home Office website.

Documentation required

Application Fee

Applicants are now required to pay online using a credit or debit card before the application will be accepted by the Home Office. It is recommended that you contact your bank and inform them of this payment otherwise they may withhold the payment.


In addition to your current passport, you should also include your previous passport if it contains your current visa. 

BRP card

A BRP (biometric residence permit) is the format which the Home Office uses to grant visa extensions. It is the size and shape of a credit card and has your photograph on the front. If you have one of these, you must include it with your application.

Evidence of name change

If you have changed your name you are required to provide official evidence of this with your application. The evidence must state your previous name, your new name and the date of change. Typical examples of documents used include deed poll certificates, passports containing both names, and government issued house hold registers.

CAS letter

Your confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS) letter will be provided by Heriot-Watt University and will contain a unique CAS number, programme details (including programme dates and tuition fees), details of the qualifications the University has used to assess your admission on to your chosen study programme, and whether or not you require ATAS approval (see below).

If you have previously studied in the UK, before issuing a CAS the University will have to check that you are eligible for a student visa and may ask you to provide information about previous visas held in the UK. They will need to check that you are continuing to progress academically, and that you have not reached the maximum time period permitted. For further details please refer to the UKCISA time limits website.

ATAS certificate

Students studying certain postgraduate qualifications need to be granted approval by the Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO). If you require an ATAS (Academic Technology Approval Scheme) Certificate, this will be shown on your offer letter. You should apply for ATAS Clearance by visiting the FCO website. FCO aim to provide an ATAS certificate within 20 working days. However, the wait can be much longer so you should apply as soon as possible.

For the purpose of your visa application, certificates are valid for six months and must still  be valid at the point when a decision is made on your visa application. 

Qualification documents

All qualifications listed in your CAS letter need to be included with your application, such as degree certificates, transcripts and English Language test results. If they are not in English they need to be submitted along with official translations.

If you have previously studied in the UK on a Tier 4 visa (even if this isn't your current visa type) you must provide evidence that you successfully completed the programme that the Tier 4 visa was issued for. 

English language documents

Not all students will be required to include English language documents with their visa application, this will depend how your English language was assessed by the University. This should be detailed on your CAS letter. Please check with the Student information desk if you are not sure what the wording on your CAS means.

Students relying on evidence of an award which is equivalent to a Bachelors, Masters of PhD from a majority English speaking country as evidence of their language ability, will also need to include a ‘Statement of Comparability' from UK NARIC confirmation the assessment. This will be required if your CAS states ‘is SELT required – No' and ‘Reason not required – ‘holds degree from majority English speaking country'. Please allow 10-15 working days for your statement to be issued. You do not require NARIC confirmation if your degree was studied in the UK.

Police registration certificate

If you were required to register with the police when you came to the UK, you must send a copy of your police registration certificate with your new application. After registration, it is important that you inform the police if you change your address, receive an extension to your visa, move to another institution or are issued with a new passport. It is important that your certificate is up to date when you make your new visa application.

Consent letter (for applicants under 18)

If you are under the age of 18, you must provide a consent letter from your parent or guardian confirming that they support your application. The letter should confirm that they consent to your Tier 4 Visa application, and that they approve of your UK living arrangements and your independent travel to the UK. It must also confirm their relationship to you. If one parent or guardian has legal custody or sole responsibility of you, the letter must confirm this and be signed by that parent or legal guardian. If not, then both parents or legal guardians must give their consent and sign the letter.

You will need to provide your birth certificate as evidence of the relationship. 

Nationalities with different document requirements

Students who are applying for a student visa using a passport from one of the countries listed in Appendix H of the immigration rules, are not required to provide evidence of their academic or financial documents with their visa application. However, these must be available should the UKVI request them. Failure to provide the requested documents would mean that the visa application would be refused. The documents must have met the requirements by the date you submitted the application, and not the date when the documents are requested.  

If you are applying under these rules, you must confirm this in your student visa application form when prompted.

Translated documents

All documents that are not in English should be officially translated and should always include the following:

  • Details of the translator/translation company's credentials
  • Confirmation that it is an accurate translation of the original document
  • The translator/translation company's contact details
  • Date of the translation
  • Original signature of the translator or an authorised official of the translation company.

You can use any official translation company, but you may wish to look at the following companies:

Alpha Translations, 18 Haddington Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AF
+44 (0)131 558 9003

Global Language Services, Belgrave Business Centre, 45 Frederick Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1EP

+44 (0) 131 220 0115

After submission

The application fee and biometric enrolment fee will be combined and paid at the end of the online application form. You will then be invited to book a biometric appointment at a UKVACS centre either in Edinburgh or Glasgow or you might be invited to upload your biometrics using an IDV app instead. You will also be able to upload your documents on the UKVACS page.  

Once your visa application has been considered by a caseworker, the Home Office will write to you notifying you of their decision (this is likely to be by email). If the visa has been granted, you will be sent your visa 7-10 working days after you receive the decision.

Contact the Visa, Advice and Compliance team

Our Visa, Advice and Compliance team are available to answer your enquires through the Student information desk. You can also view frequently asked questions (FAQs) for many topics related to international students studying at our Scottish campuses.