Widening participation students

Clearing for 2022 entry is closed. The list of places available for Scottish students who qualify under some widening participation categories, will be advertised here in summer 2023.

Take a look at our degrees for 2023 entry.

Widening Participation vacancies for Scottish applicants (SIMD20 and care experienced)

Heriot-Watt University is committed to widening participation to students from all backgrounds and uses a contextual approach in our admissions procedures to enable us to select applicants with the greatest potential to succeed.

As part of our work on widening participation, the Scottish Government has assigned a number of additional places to the University for students entering the University whose home address is within the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 20% most deprived areas or who are care experienced applicants.

This initiative is aimed at further increasing the number of students who reside in key areas of underrepresentation in higher education taking up a place of study at the University.

Are you eligible?

To check if you are eligible for a widening participation clearing place, please use the government information map, to see if you live in SIMD Area 1.

  • Type your postcode in the ‘area finder' box on the left of the map
  • Click ‘Go' and then hover over the yellow marker for your house
  • Look at the box on the right – just underneath the big box with population information in it there's some text. If you see the words ‘quintile 1' then you live in an SIMD20 postcode.