Get Ready for your Dissertation

Promotional poster for GRFYD

What is Get Ready for your Dissertation?

If going into your dissertation or final project semester feels overwhelming, we're here to help you keep motivated with writing out your work.

This undergraduate programme running 17-20 February 2025 is designed to help you overcome some of the challenges that you may face when writing your dissertation or final project, and will equip you with the skills needed for success. This course is particularly suitable for students who have never completed a dissertation or final project before, as well as those who just want a refresher on best practice.

During Get Ready for Your Dissertation, you will find out more about academic writing skills, citing and referencing, what makes a good project, how to look after your wellbeing, as well as support services and activities available to you. Each day of the programme focuses on different sections of a dissertation in the form of online 'writing retreats', which will be supplemented by guidance videos. Sessions include topics such as 'Getting Started', 'Literature Reviews', and 'Analysis and Critical Thinking'.

Programme outline
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Guidance video materials released      
EndNote 21: managing and formatting your references
10:00 - 11:30
Writing Retreat: Getting started
10.00 - 12:30
Writing Retreat: Literature Reviews
10:00 - 12:30
Writing Retreat: Analysis and Critical Thinking
10:00 - 12:30
  APA citing and referencing
14:00 - 14:50
Harvard citing and referencing
12:00 - 12:50
Finding sources for dissertations and final year projects
10:00 - 10:50
    Dissertation De-stress Wellbeing Session
(Tea, cakes, origami)
12:30 - 14:00
  Writing Retreat: Getting started
14:00 - 16:30
Writing Retreat: Literature Reviews
14:00 - 16:30
Writing Retreat: Analysis and Critical Thinking
14:00 - 16:30

Over the programme you will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop academic skills that are essential for success in your dissertation, especially if you have never studied in the UK before.
  • Participate in themed 'writing retreats' that can help you identify which part of your dissertation writing you should focus on.
  • Discuss your progress or seek advice 1-on-1 with an Academic Support Librarian or Effective Learning Advisor.
  • Attend a Wellbeing session to take a quiet moment for yourself, or to debrief with one of the Student Success Advisors.


Who can sign up?

Get Ready for your Dissertation is open to all undergraduate students working on their dissertation or final project semester.

Registering for a place at Get Ready for Your Dissertation

Get Ready for Your Dissertation provides a complete academic package, with sessions held by our Liaison Librarians. It’s important that students sign up to each individual session using their Heriot Watt email address.

This programme is free and open to all undergraduate students. Sessions will run online 17-20th February, and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

Sign up for Get Ready for Your Dissertation

Additionally, you can follow the Heriot-Watt Student Wellbeing Services (@hwuwellbeing / @hwustudentsuccess), the Heriot-Watt Information Services (@hwu_is), and Student Union (@hwunion / @hwunionsbc) on social media for more information on activities available to undergraduate students