Contacts and How to apply

To apply for a PhD position, please use our online postgraduate application form.  Please note that we are only able to consider applications where you have provided the details of the advertised project that you are applying to work on, and the name of the Academic Supervisor that you would like to work with.

For general enquiries to the EPS Graduate School, please contact the Postgraduate Research office by email

You may also wish to contact the research co-ordinator in your subject area

EPS Postgraduate Research Contacts

Director of Postgraduate Research in EPS: Prof. Scott Dalgarno

Contact for general enquiries: 

If you are interested in undertaking a PhD then here are the postgraduate research coordinators for our various subjects:-

Institute of Chemical Sciences: 
Dr Filipe Vilela —

Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering: 
Dr Anitha Devadoss -

Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems:
Dr Fernando Auat  —

Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering: 
Dr Michael Crichton and Dr Adam Stock -

Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences:
Prof. Jonathan Leach — and Dr Aurora Maccarone -

Key information

EPS Postgraduate Research Office