Ordinances and Regulations

University Ordinances

The Ordinances support the implementation of the University's Charter and Statutes and contain details on the way in which the University is governed.

University Ordinances

University Regulations

The Regulations support the Ordinances by making detailed provision for the academic work of the University, the education of its students and such other matters as lie within the areas of responsibility of the Senate.

The Regulations, as they have applied to the current and previous academic years, can be found below:

Academic Regulations for Academic Year 2024/25 (taking effect from September 2024)

Academic Regulations for Academic Year 2023/24

Academic Regulations for Academic Year 2022/23

Academic Regulations for Academic Year 2021/22

Academic Regulations for Academic Year 2020/21


The Ordinances and the Regulations have both in recent years been the subject of significant and detailed reviews. As well as ensuring compliance with the Charter and Statutes, the opportunity was taken to modernise these important governance documents and to re-present them in a more accessible format.

Ordinances: the current version was approved and took effect on 1 September 2015. These replace all others, including those previously published on the staff intranet and any paper-based versions. The Court subsequently has approved modifications over time, especially to reflect the new Charter and Statutes that took effect from 12 June 2019. Modifications are always highlighted on the contents page of each edition and a University Notice is issued to communicate the change.

Academic Regulations: after a comprehensive review, a new suite of Academic Regulations was approved, taking effect on 1 September 2021. These new Regulations replace all others, including those previously published on the staff intranet and any paper-based versions.

When future amendments are approved, they will be incorporated as quickly as possible into the online versions. Amendments to the Ordinances require approval by the Court, following advice by the Senate (where appropriate). Amendments to the Regulations require approval by the Senate.


In referencing the Ordinances, the convention used is that the letter of each section is given, followed by the relevant Ordinance number. So, for example, in speech or in written text, 'Ordinance A1' refers to the first Ordinance in Section A; 'Ordinance B2' refers to the second Ordinance of Section B; and so on.

Please note that there are no sections 'I' or 'O' in the Ordinances.

In referencing the Regulations, it is simply the appropriate letter, followed by the relevant Regulation number, e.g. 'Regulation A1', ’Regulation A2’, 'Regulation B1' and so on.

Any questions about the Ordinances should be directed to Marc A Quinn, Head of Policy and Governance (M.A.Quinn@hw.ac.uk), Lisa Herlihy, Governance Officer (Clerk to the Court) (L.Herlihy@hw.ac.uk), or Mark Hamid, Senior Governance Officer (Clerk to the Ordinances and Regulations Committee) (M.Hamid@hw.ac.uk).

Any questions about the Regulations should be directed to Marc A Quinn, Head of Policy and Governance (M.A.Quinn@hw.ac.uk), or Mark Hamid, Senior Governance Officer (Clerk to the Senate and the Ordinances and Regulations Committee) (M.Hamid@hw.ac.uk).