PhD opportunities
MPhil/ PhD at the School of Textiles and Design
We offer PhDs allowing students to specialise in a specific area of Research relating to technical textiles, sustainable design or cultural heritage.
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Textile Science and Technology
Research in textile science and technology has developed to reflect the expansion of the technical textiles discipline, while still maintaining activity in important traditional textiles.Technical textiles encompasses a wide variety of functional products, and a key area is the application in medical and health care products.
Textile Design and Clothing Manufacture
The Research Institute for Flexible Materials (RIFleX), under the leadership of Professor George Stylios, carries out leading research at the textile/clothing interface, for example, in methods for measurement of textile aesthetics and for fabric mechanics.
MPhil/PhD Practice-Based Design
This common mode of research in the area of art and design and has grown enormously over the past decade. It involves the exploration of a subject of enquiry through practical work accompanied by a related text. The relative weight of these elements varies for each project.
PhD scholarship opportunities
PhD scholarshipsWe offer a limited number of James Watt Scholarships. Our scholarships are aligned to specific research projects and follow a competitive recruitment process.
PhD scholarships

"My PhD journey was like riding a rollercoaster, without help and support from my supervisors and academic staff I would not have completed the PhD degree. Furthermore, I have gained more confidence in my academic skills and am ready to work on an educational career path."
Pathitta Nirunpornputta
PhD Graduate
Postgraduate Programmes
View programmesWe have a number of Postgraduate programmes in Fashion, Textiles and Design offered at both our UK and Dubai campuses.
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