Decarbonised Adaptable and Resilient Transport Infrastructures (DARe)

DARe ('Research Hub for Decarbonised Adaptable and Resilient Transport Infrastructures') is an EPSRC investment from September 2023 led by Newcastle University that is closely aligned with the Heriot-Watt-led TransiT programme.

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Twinning for Decarbonising Transport (TransiT)

Twinning for Decarbonising Transport (TransiT) is a UK-wide research hub established in 2Q 2023 dedicated to digital twinning for transport decarbonisation. The hub’s programme has two phases. The first phase – stakeholder consultation and development of a plan for a research programme – is nearing completion. The second phase – operation of a Research Hub – is planned to initiate in 2Q 2024.

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Charging or Refuelling Needs for Trucks in Scotland

Transport Scotland has commissioned Heriot-Watt’s Centre for Logistics and Sustainability to work with fleet operators to understand where future zero carbon charging and fuelling infrastructure is most urgently needed. This project will determine broad locations where on-route charging or refuelling facilities should be developed and provide recommendations for investors on how locations should be prioritised and phased. This can only be done working collaboratively with road freight businesses to understand how HGVs currently move through Scotland and where infrastructure should sensibly be located on route.

African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Colling and Cold Chain Systems (ACES)

ACES is a first-of-its-kind Centre dedicated to sustainable, smart cold-chain, cooling and post-harvest management (PHM). The first ACES hub is being built in Kigali, hosted by the University of Rwanda. The hub will be a central point for research, data collection, training and demonstrations which branches out to specialised outreach centres in Africa including Community Cooling Hubs. 

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Cost-Effective Freight Transport Emissions Reduction

Tackling climate change due to CO2 emissions from the transport of freight requires immediate focus on positive return-on-investment interventions funded by industry, increased public awareness and the development of accurate models to make sound decisions for future interventions to decarbonize freight transport.

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Zero-Emission Cold-Chain Building the Road to Sustainable Cold-Chain Systems for Food Resilience

This consortium of academic and industrial partners will develop a coordinated strategy to accelerate the transition to a resilient, decarbonised food cold-chain in the UK.  

Our aim is to develop and deliver a clear industry-led pathway to achieve the UK’s net zero 2050 target whilst maintaining food security and affordability for UK consumers and economic opportunity for the UK food industry.

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Wireless Charging in Micro-Fulfilment Centres for Last Mile Delivery

Government Policy aims for all new van sales to be zero emissions by 2040. This will require very rapid increases in uptake of EVs from the current base of 0.4% of van sales in 2018. 

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Data-driven Insights into Freight Transport: An Inverse Demand Study of Origins and Destinations

The aim of the project is to create a detailed picture of the demand for goods and the movement of heavy goods vehicles in Great Britain in order to better understand the freight transportation and logistics landscape.

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Fleet Optimisation Exercise for European City Logistics

The goal of this project is to determine the most optimal mixed fleet setup which can deliver and pick-up packages in a given city at the lowest possible cost. The interventions proposed from this study aim at minimising the operational cost as well as the environmental impacts of the operations.

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This study will analyse collaborative logistics strategies to minimise empty running, maximise vehicle utilisation for road freight movements in the UK, and therefore reduce CO2 emissions.

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Suburban-Fringe ‘on-demand’ Algorithm Based Shared Transport

Cities rely on people travelling from and around fringe suburban and rural areas, but suburban-fringe transport has challenges. Lower residential densities mean that traditional fixed bus timetables work poorly and people become ‘cut-off’, relying on private cars. Current fixed route and timetable services are neither commercially viable nor effective in providing the needed community services or encouraging people out of private cars. 

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Sustainable Cold-Chain Systems for Food Resilience

The environmental impact of the food and drink sector is huge, accounting for 190 million m3 of water per year, 12MT of food waste, 24% of anthropogenic carbon emission and 28% of UK road freight by tonnage. Food refrigeration is estimated to be responsible for 2-4% of the UKs total GHG emissions1. 

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SRF Optimiser

SRF Optimiser is a web-based decision support tool that calculates GHG emissions, energy consumption and costs associated with a company’s road freight transport operation. It helps organisations in road freight transport in developing their decarbonisation strategy by modelling effects of 29 carbon-reducing measures, by assessing cost, carbon and energy implications of a range of technological measures that can be applied to a transport fleet.  

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Hydrogen Feasibility Study

Transition to a hydrogen-based energy system to support and accelerate the widespread adoption of hydrogen-powered freight HDVs is, however, significantly hindered by the lack of the infrastructure required for producing, storing, transporting and distributing hydrogen.

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Gamification of Driver Behaviour

It’s known that the behaviour of truck drivers can have significant impacts on fuel efficiency. Driver training has been shown to influence the behaviour and lead to reduced fuel consumption.  This study takes that work further by integrating telematics data with a gamification techniques to extend training beyond the classroom. 

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UK Electric Road System

Supporting the UK government’s National Infrastructure Strategy, this project develops the outline for a demonstrator project of an Electric Road System (ERS), like those already trialled in Germany and Sweden.

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Multi-modal Operations and Infrastructure Modelling

It is widely accepted that logistics will have to adopt new technologies and practices to meet the aggressive decarbonisation targets set by the UK government. The novelty of decarbonisation technology, the inherent need to manage the energy transition, and the short timescales involved will impose new demands and constraints on the organisation of the logistics system.  

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Bangladesh Vaccines

Fast-track vaccine cold-chain assessment and design for mass scale COVID-19 vaccination in Bangladesh

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Analysis of a Strategic Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure (ATHENA)

Realising the commitment of the UK towards net zero emissions by 2050, the implementation of cleaner energy sources is critical. Heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) attributed to an estimated 17% of road transport greenhouse gas emissions in the UK during 2019. In working towards a net zero solution of hydrogen fuel cell HGVs.

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Developing Sustainable Transportation in National Parks

This project aims to focus on the behavioural component of the transportation problem in the national parks.

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