Risk Management

Assurance Services co-ordinates risk management activities across the University and are the custodians of the University's Strategic Risk Register which records the significant risks facing the University and the achievement of its strategy. Assurance Services facilitates regular updates of the Strategic Risk Register by Senior Management and onward reporting to governance committees and groups.

Operational risk registers are maintained by all Schools, Professional Service Directorates, University Subsidiaries and International Campuses. These operational risk registers record the risks and relevant controls and mitigations at a local level. Significant operational risks are escalated and reported to relevant governance committees and groups. Periodically, operational risk registers are selected for review by the Risk and Project Management Strategy Group and Audit and Risk Committee of Court, and annually all operational risk registers are reviewed.

The risk registers are hosted on the Assurance Services SharePoint site, and permission to view and/or edit these registers is granted on an individual basis, so not all registers are visible or editable by all staff. If you require to be granted permissions, please contact assurance@hw.ac.uk.

Key information

Assurance Services