Additional Projects

CEHS members engage with wider disciplinary and geographical research – including research in Scotland, the UK and Europe. This has included work on:

  • wider participation / governance (Jenkins/Smith): an East Lothian Local Government Pilot Project in Participation in Planning; a European Commission funded Inter-Reg III Project on Participation in Planning across 5 countries; and a UK Government funded project on Mediation in Planning;
  • housing design issues: a Scottish Government project ‘Design at the heart of house-building' (Jenkins/Smith) and a current Knowledge Transfer Project on housing in the community for people with disabilities with ARK Housing Association (Jenkins) – capturing experiential knowledge through establishing reflective practice in specialised housing services delivery and improved architecture briefing processes;
  • urban design issues: a current European Commission funded Inter-Reg project on ‘Place-keeping': Making Places Profitable: Public and Private Open Space – MP4 (Smith & Pereira). This four year research project – funded by the EU Interreg IV North Sea Programme – brings together four regional and local authorities, four universities and one charity in 6 countries around the North Sea, studying, developing and piloting innovative approaches to participatory long-term management and maintenance of open spaces (‘place-keeping'). In addition:
  • Wang has led on the creation of the HWU-based Scottish Centre for Chinese Urban and Environmental Studies (SCCUES), the basis for new proposals for a China Summer School (to Research Council UK China Office) and Peking University - Lincoln Institute Centre for Urban Development and Land Policy;
  • Smith has been co-coordinator of the Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanisation in the South (N-AERUS) since 2006, contributing to the network's annual conferences in London (DPU – 2007), Rotterdam (IHS – 2009), Brussels (ULB/ASRO/KUL – 2010), as well as hosting the 2008 event at CEHS in Edinburgh; and
  • Jenkins has led on one of SBE's cross-disciplinary research initiatives, ADiBE Architecture & Design in the Built Environment, now linking with the new Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture ESALA.