University Finances – Salary Sacrifice



Following the recent update to all staff from the Principal in which he noted that members of the University Executive have chosen to take a temporary reduction in salary, a number of senior colleagues have indicated they too would like to do the same. 

It is important to stress that any such reduction would be entirely voluntary but if colleagues do wish to contribute to the future financial position of the University in this way please contact the HR Directorate using the HRHelp e-mail address.   

The leadership team are truly grateful to those who have already made such an offer. If you do wish to do this it is suggested that this be for the months of June and July in the first instance and should be for either 5 or 10% of basic salary. For many staff such a reduction would have an immediate impact so please do not volunteer for this unless you are sure you can afford to do so. 

On this basis we also think this should be limited to staff who are in Grades 9 and 10. In taking such a reduction the University would make arrangements with you to ensure that your pension was not affected by such a temporary change. If you wish to explore this option please e-mail and someone from the HR team will be in touch to discuss this with you on a strictly confidential basis. Any savings delivered via such salary sacrifice will be recorded and reported in summary, anonymous form to the University Executive as well as to the Staff Committee of Court.