ELIR4: submission to QAA Scotland



The Quality Assurance Agency Scotland (QAAS) will undertake its fourth Enhancement-Led Institutional Review of Heriot-Watt University from November 2019 to June 2020.

The review will be led by an external team appointed by QAAS. Internal arrangements and preparations are being led by the Academic Quality team.

In advance of the ELIR review, HWU has submitted a detailed Reflective Analysis document and an extensive range of additional documentation. All documentation is available through the ELIR SharePoint site.

Visits to HWU by the ELIR Team

The external ELIR Review Team will undertake two visits to HWU Edinburgh Campus: a Planning Visit on 30th January 2020, and a Review Visit from 16th-20th March 2020. During both visits, the ELIR Team will meet with staff and students from across all locations and modes of study, as the review covers all of HWU's taught provision and the learning experience of all students (taught and research).

The Academic Quality team is currently making arrangements for a selection of student representatives and of academic staff to meet with the ELIR team on 30th January 2020.

Key Themes for the Review

QAA Scotland will notify the University on 16th January 2020 of the key themes which the ELIR team wishes to explore during, and outwith, the visits.


The University has consulted widely with staff and students across all modes and locations on its ELIR Reflective Analysis, Contextualised Themes and the Mapping to the UK Quality Code. The Academic Quality team gratefully acknowledges the hundreds of individual contributions.

Contacts Information about the ELIR4 review process can be found the ELIR section of the Academic Quality website. If you have any queries at all about ELIR4, please contact Head of Academic Quality Dr Maggie King.