Kamo Peacock

Name: Kamo Peacock

Age: 18

Home: South Africa

Degree: BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)

Campus: Dubai

For Kamo Peacock, an 18-year-old student from South Africa, Global College has brought the dream of a career in artificial intelligence a little closer. 

“I would like in the coming years to be a part of what’s happening with artificial intelligence – and not just someone sitting on the sidelines,” says Kamo, who has just completed a degree entry programme with Global College at Heriot-Watt University’s Dubai campus

The programme Kamo studied is designed to provide students with a pathway into an undergraduate degree in Engineering or Computing at the University. For Kamo, this will be a four-year Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence. 

“Once you finish at Global College and get the appropriate grades, you can move directly into the first year of your degree,” Kamo explains. “So when September comes, I'll be going into my first year.” 

The main benefit of Global College for Kamo was the opportunity to get into university without spending another two years studying for A-Level exams, which are usually taken before university by students aged 16–18. Because Kamo had moved around with her mother’s career and had been schooled in American system in Panama and Kazakhstan, she had only recently completed her IGCSEs – International General Certificate of Secondary Education – the international equivalent of the main qualification taken by 14 to 16-year-olds. 

“I didn't want to take another two years to do A-Levels, so Global College was a much easier way for me to get into my first year at university around the age I was supposed to,” Kamo said. 

Kamo’s Global College programme lasted two semesters and included mathematics, physics, English and Approaches to Learning, a course which includes academic presentation skills. She joined many international students on the programme from countries including India, Russia, Nigeria, Kenya and Eswatini in south east Africa – and made lots of friends. 

“It was nice to have time to explore being in a new country,” Kamo added. “Even though I was studying, I was able to do a lot of activities in Dubai. I also really love how we have our personal tutors. They can help guide you through what the school actually offers, and things like internships you could possibly take.” 

Kamo’s message to other prospective Global College students is: “For me, Global College was amazing. It saved me a lot of time and I’ve made friends for life. And I hope that after my first year at university, when I get a really good understanding in the basics of artificial intelligence, I'll be able to decide exactly what kind of career I want in the industry.”